Ian Levin

As a native New Yorker, Ian explored diverse characters and recorded stories through the use of photojournalism. Ian found a passion when given a video camera at a young age, and discovered that he's able to skillfully acclimate new tools and methods. After numerous short film projects, Ian deiced to make a career out of cinematic storytelling.

In 2011, Ian achieved a Master’s of Fine Arts from Loyola Marymount University in Film Production, focusing on production and post-production tasks that encompass the digital realm. Ian continues to uphold various positions that utilize his creativity and imagination with contemporary technologies to achieve beautiful visuals and emotional sounds for compelling motion picture content.

Among the workplace, Ian has a thorough eye for augmenting the most meaningful feeling. He manages priorities and diligently reports necessary information while keeping his presence a bundle of joy. Communication skills are a corporate standard, kept directly to the point, and without judgment. His experience throughout all three stages of the production process grants excellence in conceptualization.